Given the changing world, it become increasingly vital to provide visitors with a wealth of information. Beginning with Dr. Jason Dean’s passion for healing, care, and wellness BraveTV has blossomed into a treasure of valuable information, and wide range of topics.
BraveTV’s growth was rapid, and hosted the most well-known personalities and presented these guests for your enjoyment. During the beginning of 2023, plans were formed to invite other personalities to make BraveTV their home. Thank you for being with us on this journey of growth, health, wellness, and critical thinking.
A proud American, Husband, Dad, and Doctor; these are four simple words that describe me in totality.
I am a serial entrepreneur and a professional speaker worldwide. Through the online platforms, I get to help thousands and thousands of people all over the globe.
To understand any individual, it is essential to understand their background; what made them the person they are today? What events led them to the present.
Since I graduated, my motto has been – Save people, Save America. Every day I thrive to save people and empower them so they can create a domino effect on others. Every Doctor tries to help as many people as possible and wants to reach the masses, but that is sometimes impossible or not physically feasible. But if knowledge is given to one, and that one passes it on to another, imagine the number of people we can reach.
It was finally time to execute the huge goals I set for myself. Many years after I graduated college, I worked in the sports industry and traveled all over the country, working in professional and college sports. And while I was out helping people, I neglected my health without realizing it. Due to exertion and a poor lifestyle, I started experiencing symptoms of anxiety, depression, heart issues, and other things.
I decided to see a medical doctor, and they diagnosed me with anxiety. The psychiatrist put me on anxiety medications, but it made me feel terrible. And I ended up taking myself off of them. Please consider looking through my videos to know more about why I disagree with the psychiatric practices. In the videos, I talk about the destruction they are causing children, adults, the nuclear family, and America. After this incident, I met my wife in New York, who brought a significant change in my life.
I was exposed to different healthcare in lifestyle, diet, nutrition, supplements, and chiropractic. This lifestyle believed in whole foods instead of relying on pharmaceutical medication. I truly believe my wife and natural health care saved my life.
My life path took me from being broke to being a happy husband, loving father, successful Doctor, and entrepreneur. Each day I live my life purposefully with a passion, which is what I wish to bring to you.
Site Disclaimer: The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Dr. Dean, unless otherwise noted. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Dean and his community. Dr. Dean encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition, consult your health care professional before using products based on this content.
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